Forest Ridge Elementary Instrumental and Choral Music Program
At Forest Ridge Elementary School, students in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades have the unique opportunity to play an instrument in the Band or the Orchestra. Students will receive instruction on how to play their instrument, how to read music, and other essential aspects of being a musician. Students in 4th and 5th grade also have the opportunity to sing in the chorus. In chorus, students will receive instruction on how to use their voice to express themselves musically. In a typical school year, students have the opportunity to perform in no less than two concerts.
Both instrumental and choral music instruction are invaluable to our students educational experience and quality of life. Our goal is to pass on our love of creating music with others and to teach life skills that will stay with our students forever. To learn more about the individual ensembles, explore the Band, Orchestra, or Chorus pages.
To register your child for the Band or Orchestra, please use the following link or click on the "Registration" page. To learn more about the program, view the Google Slides presentation located on this page below the Registration form. To register for Chorus, please see the "About the Chorus" page or use the registration form UNDER the band/orchestra registration. The Chorus registration is different from band and orchestra. If your musician wishes to participate in both chorus AND play an instrument, you will need to complete both registration pages.
As of 10/1/24 ONLINE REGISTRATION IS OVER FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR. PLEASE EMAIL THE TEACHER DIRECTLY TO REGISTER ORCHESTRA- Patricia De Orio- [email protected] BAND- Kyle Pompei- [email protected] CHORUS- Caitlin Blough- [email protected]